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Augmentation Well Update 

Sept. 1, 2022

Plans for the augmentation well to be installed on the west side of the lake received approval tonight from the Cass County Board of Commissioners.

Representing Barron Lake at the county commissioner meeting tonight was Bruno Eidietis, president; Rick Marneris, vice president; and Tom Hable, treasurer; along with Jeff Van Belle, Cass County Drain Commissioner.

It is anticipated drilling will begin this fall.

Huge thanks to Fred Fornell for many years of work to get this project to fruition, and to Norbert Wleklinski and Jeff McKean for their assistance. Thanks to Jeff Van Belle, as well, for his guidance in moving the project forward.



Test Augmentation Well

June 23, 2022

Today, June 23, 2022, we began the next phase for the augmentation well. Maurer Well Service began drilling for our test well, which is on Mary Street. They anticipate completing the work by the end of the day. 

We are hopeful the results derived from the test well will be positive, and if so, we will move on to drilling the permanent augmentation well this fall or first quarter of 2023.

Oh behalf of the Board, thank you to all of our neighbors on Mary Street for their understanding and patience with the trucks and noise at this time.

Fred Fornell (far right), who on behalf of the lake association has been overseeing this project, discusses the job with Tritium Lab employees Tim and Seth.

Jeff Van Belle, County Drain Commissioner, (left) and Fred Fornell, oversee work on the project to install a test well.

May 4, 2022

Notice of Water Weed Treatment 

Barron Lake is scheduled to be treated on Wednesday, May 25 and Tuesday, June 21.

If weather prevents treatment on scheduled date, it will be done on first open date.


  • No swimming for one day
  • No crop irrigation, livestock watering, irrigation of turf, or non-food crops for 14 days.

Chemicals to be used include Tribune, Cygnet Plus, Clipper and Aquathol K

Signs will be posted at regular intervals along the shoreline, facing the water, at time of treatment. All pertinent information for specific treatment will be posted on signs.

The work is being done by Pinecrest Industries in Galien.

Information provided by Tom Hable May 2022

March 28, 2022

Regarding the new well:  We’re currently trying to find an agricultural driller who can do a test well for us before we drill the final augmentation well. Drillers with a full staff of workers have been very difficult to find as of late. Jeff VanBelle is working hard to find someone to do the work. 

Regarding the existing well:  we have run the well for four weeks so far this winter. We just turned it back on as of Feb. 26 and have been running the well two weeks on and one week off. At present, Jeff is working with Brian Beckwith to have more rock brought in to upgrade the outlet at the well site. 

The lake level appears to have come up nicely over the past four weeks. With good rainfall in upcoming weeks, we hope to see even more improvement.  

Information provided by Fred Fornell March 2022


Regarding weed management: we are scheduled to start inspecting the lake in May to determine which areas will be in need of treatment. As in past years, inspections will continue each month throughout the summer, as will treatment if it is necessary.

Information provided by Tom Hable March 2022

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