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Barron Lake Boat Parade 2020

This year’s boat parade celebrated TV shows from any era. It was great fun thanks to the creativity of the lake residents who participated, the Howard Township Fire Department for leading the parade, the judges, the many who cheered from the shoreline and of course, beautiful weather!  A big thank you, too, to Debby Koulentes and Mary Jo Markworth for coordinating the event. 

If you have some photos that show people working on their boats, parading or of the awards ceremony, please share them for this page by sending them to: Boat Parade Photos.


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2020 Barron Lake Boat Parade


This year’s parade hosted by the Barron Lake Association celebrated TV shows from all eras. Many thanks to Debby Koulentes and Mary Jo Markworth for organizing the event and to all who participated! A big thank you, too, to the Howard Township Fire Department for leading the parade and to the judges. And last, but certainly not least, a great big thank you to all who cheered on the boats as they paraded by and to Mother Nature for giving us a beautiful day!

 If you have some pictures you’d like to share on this page, please send them to us at: http://www.barronlakeassociation.org/contact-us

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