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The minutes from the August 2022 meeting will be up for approval when board meets next, so they cannot be published in their entirety, but below are some excerpts from the meeting:

• Bill Kasprzak, township supervisor, talked about the issues that are continuing with clogged pumps due to items going down the sewers that shouldn’t be—most notably wipes. He said the township just paid $3,500 to the City of Niles for repairs to both pumps because they were totally clogged. He cautioned people to be aware that even if a product says it is flushable—it doesn’t mean it won’t clog sewer pumps. A resident mentioned a plumber she had at her house warned her of using anything more than 2-ply toilet paper as it is very absorbent and doesn’t break down as expected.

• Bill Kasprzak also was asked about the progress of the township removing the large rock near the sandbar. Bill said it is still on the agenda, but there is a staff shortage. He said he will be seeing the chief at an upcoming conference and will talk to him about getting that rock removed. (No new information is available at the time of this writing.)

• A resident is continuing to have issues with muskrats causing damage to his boat wires. A survey was emailed asking others if they are having similar issues. (The results show most issues are pretty much contained to an area near Lake Shore Drive.) Another resident said wire coverings were once made of chemicals and are now made of soy—which is actually attracting the muskrats. Many suggestions were offered at the meeting and in the survey and passed along to the resident.

• Since the amount of acreage being treated for weeds on the lake is less than what it has been, Tom Hable asked the township to reduce the assessment. He was told there will be a $25 reduction per parcel reflected on the winter taxes.

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