Meeting Minutes|

Officers present: President Bruno Eidietis, Vice President Rick Marneris, Treasurer Pat Kelley and Secretary Debbie Floor. 54 members were present.  Guest: John Tucci of Lake Savers. His website is

Bruno called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. 

Treasurer’s Report: Pat Kelley reported the May 2018 balance is $44, 034.20. Monies earned or received: Interest/dividends: $6.79; Dues received: $560; Expenses: $54.99 for website. Balance: $44,546/00.

John Tucci of Lake Savers, spoke at length about the benefits of aerating the water, clarity of water, cleaning the bottom of muck, and weed growth. He said that in 2010 Indian Lake in Dowagiac was aerated. In 2014, no chemical treatment for weeds was needed. In 2018, 20 acres needed to be treated and Lake Savers contributed part of the payment for milfoil treatment.

Restorative Lake Services did a study of Barron Lake. Company representatives visited in the spring and fall. Tom Habel worked with Jennifer of Restorative Lake Services and the company said they would work with Lake Savers to analyze the lake while being treated. A shore-based compressor, perhaps two (bubble system) would create a bubble column from the top to the bottom. They would use a complete mixing system using 35 four-diffuser heads.

Lake Savers would:

1) install system, engineer system, maintain for life of contact, winterize system, open in the spring, He believes the entire lake could be treated with one, possibly two compressors.

2) biological treatment–armies of bacteria, powders and pellets, three 3,000-gallon taknks

3) Control inlets (We don’t need this.)

4) Phosphorus  harvesting strategy: growing fish, turn compost into food for fish, pull phosphorus out of water like a sponge. 100-lb fish = 2 lbs phosphorus–grow more and bigger fish.

Don’t burn leaves on the beach or use fertilizers with phosphorus. Amount of oxygen in lake? Depths greater than 15 feet, there is no oxygen. Muck is not disturbed. The water is oxygenated and bacteria is fed with oxygen to eat the much. Discussion on whether Barron Lake is spring fed. Ground water table has been low–water will be fed into the lake this year. Springs may be plugged by muck. Dredging was discussed to the get the solids out of the lake.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Debbie Floor, Secretary

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