
Weed Control and Miscellaneous Information Update November 2020

Information provided by Tom Hable

We were on the lake every month from April to September. From April until August we spot treated approximately 25 acres. We cannot treat weeds 100 feet from shore, so this year we offered to treat homeowners’ weeds from shore out 100 feet on an individual basis. The Barron Lake Association paid for the permit to do this, and the homeowner paid for the chemical application, which averaged $75 to $100 for a 50-foot frontage, depending on what was being treated.

 Approximately 15 homes were treated and they were very happy. The program is expected to continue in 2021. We will notify everyone when it becomes available again in 2021.

In September, because of the August heat, and the drop in lake level, milfoil popped. There were approximately 25 acres of just milfoil. With the cooler nights in September and the water temperature dropping, the chemical manufacturers advised us to wait until early spring as the chemicals would only be at 50% efficiency late September – October.

Since we are being managed now by RLS, this was very doable compared to the past as everything is marked by GPS. It will be easier in the spring to pick up where we left off. If we find the milfoil early as we will be out again in April, or if it doesn’t creep up until it gets warmer we can attack it with a chemical called Procellacor.

There are two versions of this chemical. One is just a treatment to limit the weed. The other guarantees kill or they redo it for free. The second is naturally more expensive, but much more efficient in the long run, and we can afford to do it as things are today.

To see complete report, see Barron Lake Annual Report RLS 2020.

2020 Fish Stocking

We will not be stocking any walleye in the fall as the DNR has put a new limitation on predator fish only every other year. We did stock 1,000 walleye in fall 2019, so we are done for this year. Blue gill, crappie, etc. only can be put in during the spring, so we will look at 2021. The next stocking of walleye would be in the fall of 2021.

Boat Launch on Lake Shore Drive

A large drop off had worn into the launch before the concrete drive, making it dangerous. Tom Hable notified the drain commission and arrangements were made with the help of the Board of the Barron Lake Association, and the situation has been rectified.


From Fred Fornell

The lake level seems to have stabilized and now that temperatures have cooled and we’re getting some precipitation it may be a good time to shut down the pump. Bruce Campbell is waiting for the title company to finalize a title that spells out the easement considerations for Bartak Park. When that is complete, we can drill a test well and get the permits from EGLE to drill. 

We have been in touch with our consultant at Tritium labs.  He is completing a final review and write-up of this year’s study findings. He has a lot of new data to share with us. We will be meeting for a complete review as soon as possible. 

To see the complete report, see the Barron Lake Annual Report.


Approximately 14 acres of the lake were treated on Tuesday, June 23, 2020.

All of the treated areas have a sign posted in the yard near the shoreline. If you have a sign, please follow directions on the sign.  If you do not have a sign, your area was not treated at this time.

Tom Hable accompanied Pine Crest personnel during the treatment, noting they treated Eurasian milfoil and Curly Pond weed.

For more details on today’s treatment, see the weed posting June 2020 PDF.


Tom Hable and our consultants met out on the lake the second week of May. He reported there were so few evasive non-native weeds found on the lake the weed treatment scheduled for this last week of May has been canceled. The lake will be surveyed again and the company will schedule a treatment for mid-June to be sure the lake will be clear of weeds for the 4th of July holiday.

Also, per Bruno Eidietis, president of the Barron Lake Association, as an association, our permit does not allow us to treat weeds within 100 feet of the shoreline. He asks that if anyone has a problem in front of their property, to contact him and he will put you in contact with someone who can advise you. 


The lake water quality committee met this winter to discuss the lake level project. It was decided to wait until spring rains to determine whether or not it would be necessary to turn on the augmentation well. Pumping may be needed to build up the lake level as we have done in recent years. The goal is to raise the lake level to 756.5′ by May 1.

Bruce Campbell, the Howard Township drain commissioner, will add a three-inch board to the drain to help slow the loss of lake water during summer months. This also will help reduce the need for pump augmentation.

The lake water quality committee continues to pursue the possibility of adding a secondary well to be used in the event of extreme drought. As that project progresses, a formal proposal would be submitted to the lake association for review.


Permits for weed control on the lake have been secured. Weed control is a two-part system: the lake management company identifies the problem; and the applicator assesses the findings and takes action to correct needed areas. At this time, Tom Hable has met with both and said we are ready for work to begin.

It is anticipated the work will begin in mid-May to take care of any Curley pond leaf. The company will continue to monitor the lake to assess whether any further work is needed. 

It is the goal of this committee to have the weeds under control by the 4th of July.

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