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Letters were mailed the first week of May from Howard Township to all those hooked up to the sewer system alerting recipients to the increased costs incurred due to objects being flushed into the sewer lines.

Because of the many items being flushed down toilets and sinks, the township must clean out the lift station more often and many of these items are causing the lift station to malfunction, adding an additional repair expense.

The notice is asking residents to make sure all sinks have a metal sieve or mesh strainer to help filter out solid debris from going into the water system. In addition, township officials warn that the following items are not biodegradable–even if the packaging says they are: baby wipes, wet wipes, disinfection wipes, tampons and applicators, rags, paper towels and anything other than toilet paper. And of course, this includes mop heads. Yes, mop heads have been found in the lift stations!

Residents are warned if this continues the township will have no choice but to raise the sewer bill to pay for the additional cleaning and repairs of the lift stations.

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