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Hello to all. I hope this newsletter finds all lake association members in good health

After years of planning and years of continuous challenges, everything has been completed with the new well. On Thursday, Feb. 22, the switch was flipped, and the water is flowing.

As board members, we expected completion of this project last year. Many unforeseen challenges prompted so much frustration to the point we wondered when this project would come to fruition. The end result is a steady stream of water flowing into the lake—just as was planned.

I would like to give a shout out to fellow board members: Tom Hable, Jim Muckerheide, Debbie Floor and Bruno Eidietis, along with a huge salute to Fred Fornell. I stopped counting at 10,000 the number of reasons Fred could have thrown in the towel and walked away. But his diligence and devotion never wavered.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t thank the hydrologist, Todd Feenstra, president of Tritium, Inc. for all his assistance in the planning for this new well since day one.

On behalf of the entire board, our sincere thank you for a job well done.

Below are some photos and a brief video showing the water being pumped into the lake.

Rick Marneris

5 Replies to “A Message from the President”

  1. Shyla says:

    “Well” done team!

  2. Bill Newhouse says:

    This is a great accomplishment for the lake. Congratulations to the Board and especially to Fred Fornell for persevering through the challenges of the well project.

  3. Robert O Neuendorf says:

    WOO-HOO!!!! Way to go all and thanks so much for your efforts. It should greatly improve quality of water life on the lake.

  4. Ray Buchalski says:

    Thanks to all for the hard work on this project

  5. Margie Marneris says:

    Awesome news! Congrats and gratitude to this board for a job well done; especially to Fred Fornell!
    Thank you everyone!

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