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The Michigan Department of Natural Resources published in July 2023, a literature review of wake boat effects on aquatic habitat. We are sharing that review, which provides best operating practices that can help minimize harm to the natural resources and property.  Read it here.

One Reply to “Michigan DNR Literature Review of Wake Boat Effects on Aquatic Habitat”

  1. Randy Kutchek. says:

    Thank you for sharing. The wake boats on Barron Lake have been very disruptive. We have had to replace and repair our boat lift multiple times since the increased use of these boats. Have also noticed the sand bar has shifted quite a bit since the wake boats have to stay in channels between the bars to operate properly. The waves they create and lack of “peace” associated with those wavea in the evening are not good for our lake or the people that enjoy it without the wakeboat excitement. Not against these boats just not something a 200 acre lake need.

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